Coleman, Janet R. and Wolf, Elizabeth W. (2009) Advanced Sign Language Vocabulary, Second Edition. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.
Gregory, S., Knight, P., McCracken, W., Powers, S., and Watson, L. (2002) Issues in Deaf Education, Reprinted. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Ogden, P. W. (1996). The Silent Garden: Raising Your Deaf Child. Washington, District of Columbia: Gallaudet University Press.
Padden, C. A. and Humphries, T. L. (2005). Inside Deaf Culture. Boston, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Sternberg, Martin. (1998). The American Sign Language Dictionary, Revised Third Edition. New York, N.Y. Harper Collins Publishers.
Zawolkow, E. and Gustason, G. (1993) Signing Exact English, Pocket Edition. Los Alamitos, Calif.: Modern Signs Press.
Online Resources
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Amarillo Independent School District MSS Signing Database ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
DEAFmedia, Resources ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Gallaudet Office of Research ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Handspeak: Learn Sign Language Online ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Learning American Sign Language and Signed English (SE) ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
National Association of the Deaf ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
National Theatre of the Deaf ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Texas Association of the Deaf ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
Texas Education Agency ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
The Signing Exact English Center ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)
World Federation of the Deaf ![new window](config/images/icon_exlink.gif)